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Youthpass Plus training in Cyprus – Islander
Islander | Youthpass Plus training in Cyprus
Rahvusvahelised noorteprojektid ja teavitustöö. International youth projects for islanders.
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Youthpass Plus training in Cyprus

Shortly before the borders were closed due to the coronavirus, Islander MTÜ had a possibility to attend a training in Cyprus. The content of the training was the EU Youthpass certificate, skills development & validation.

The week-long training in the coastal town of Larnaca was active and interesting, with a total of 30 participants from eight different countries – Estonia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Italy. The project was funded by the EU Erasmus + Key Action 1 (Mobility of Youth Workers. Training and Networking of Youth Workers) and it was organized by the good partner SEAL Cyprus.

On behalf of MTÜ Islander, our leader Ingrid and Marten and Aleksander participated in the training. Let’s give a word for them now.

“When we got to Cyprus, we were not sure what was going to happen. At first it felt strange because we didn’t know anyone, but the goal was to find new contacts. After presenting ourselves, we played all kinds of games and learned more about each other. All the activities were meant for self-development and cooperation, and through all this we learned a lot about other participants.

There were also national evenings, where participants from each country offered their traditional food and drinks. We got to taste very different and interesting things.

In addition to the training, we were given a lot of free time to go around, enjoy the beach or whatever we wanted to do. Training sessions were not like school lessons, where the only thing you want is to have a break and eat something. The activities were fun and very well organized. We learned a lot to develop ourselves and cooperate with each other. The biggest lesson for us was how to communicate with others and thorugh this we also developed our English skills.

The best was to discover how easily we made new friends. We immediately found many common interests with the other participants like playing board games which we did every evening and every free moment. All participants were very nice and ready to participate in different activities, so the experience was much fun.

We definitely recommend to everyone this wonderful oppoturnity to explore other countries and to get new friends. Specially if you don´t know yet what to do –  to go to school or to work or to do something else. Being in another country, maybe you like it so much that you plan to stay and study or work there.”

Read more on the project website and Facebook page.